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Examples: von der Leyen Commission priorities in practice


A project funded by the EU, this websites hosts information on providing easy and seamless access to cutting-edge DNA sequencing technologies to researchers from academia and industry​​​

EU Policies


HBM4EU is an initiative to coordinate and advance human biomonitoring in Europe. On this website you can find factsheets, posters, videos and so on about the action of European Environment Agency.  



GENE-SWitCH aims to deliver new underpinning knowledge on the functional genomes of two main monogastric farm species (pig and chicken) and to enable immediate translation to the pig and poultry sectors.  



GENTORE will develop innovative genome-enabled selection and management tools to empower farmers to optimize cattle resilience and efficiency (R&E) in different and changing environments.


Human Genomics

SIENNA project relates to the DNA and has many tools that can modify it.  

1+ Million Genomes Initiative

The Declaration on genomics cooperation ‘Towards access to at least 1 million sequenced genomes in the EU by 2022’ was launched on Digital Day 2018 and has been signed already by 21 Member States. The initiative is also open to countries of the European Economic Area and the European Free Trade Association, and is part of the EU’s agenda for the Digital Transformation of Health and Care, aligned with the Commission’s strategy in Transforming Health and CareEurope’s Beating Cancer PlanEuropean Data Strategy (including a European Health Data Space) and the European Open Science Cloud. The goal is to set up a collaboration mechanism with the potential to improve disease prevention, allow for more personalised treatments and provide a sufficient scale for innovative, clinically impactful research.