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Aesthetics Library Guide

Get started

The below sections will guide you on how to find:

  1. an individual journal
  2. an individual journal article
  3. journal articles and other credible sources on your topic
  4. Greek journals (Open access)
  5. highly rated research (Scopus)

Find an individual journal

Enter the title of the journal in the search box (found on the Library home page) and select Publications (Journal & eBook titles) on the dropdown menu on the right.


For available journals, you will find coverage dates and links under Full Text Access.

Find an individual journal article:

Enter the title of the article in the search box (found on the Library home page).


If necessary, refine your search using the Advanced Search option.


Select the available full text option (PDF Full Text or Full Text Finder or HTML Full Text) to open and read the article.


Find journal articles and other credible sources on your topic

You can search the below databases and collections for sources (articles, conference material, book chapter etc.) on your topic. Type appropriate keywords on the Advanced Search function when available.

Medicine, Health & Life Sciences

General Databases & Collections