If you are already logged in to OFFICE 365 when you are offsite, you should have access to full text articles available at UNic.However, if you have problem you may need to login via OpenAthens
To focus your research, think about what kind of question you are asking.
When you are learning about a new topic in medicine, you are probably looking for answers to who, what, where, why, when, & how questions. These are also called background questions. Asking these kind of questions helps you explore a new topic & answers can be easily found in articles & text books, & basic reference sources, such as Wikipedia or a Research Starter online article in the library catalogue. These are questions such as:
1. Break down the topic of interest into its narrower aspects & choose one that interests you.
E.g. kidney diseases > chronic kidney disease (ckd) > how is it diagnosed?
2. Use UNIC's Library Search catalogue to find books, eBooks & ejournal articles
3. Enter words that describe your topic into Library Search.
E.g. chronic kidney disease, diagnosis
4. Follow the link to your left to learn how to access eBooks & full text articles via OpenAthens.
To find ebooks and/or journal articles, enter your keywords and select E-resources from drop down menu
To see if the library subscribes or provides open access to a specific journal title, select Journals
Also, you can search journals by category
Find a book on the library shelf to begin your research via the Library catalogue and then select Print Resources.